Crescimento do Setor

Mercado segurador brasileiro cresce 13,2% em 2024, com R$ 181 bilhões em indenizações.

Crescimento Seguro

Mercado segurador brasileiro cresce 13,2% em 2024.

A bar chart on a piece of torn paper displays data for the years 2018 through 2021. The bars representing 2018, 2019, and 2020 are colored in green and show a declining trend. A red arrow pointing downwards extends from the top of the 2018 bar to the end of the 2020 bar. 2021 is represented by a large red question mark, suggesting uncertainty about the future data.
A bar chart on a piece of torn paper displays data for the years 2018 through 2021. The bars representing 2018, 2019, and 2020 are colored in green and show a declining trend. A red arrow pointing downwards extends from the top of the 2018 bar to the end of the 2020 bar. 2021 is represented by a large red question mark, suggesting uncertainty about the future data.
Indenizações Pagas

R$ 181 bilhões em indenizações e benefícios pagos.

A cartoon doctor with glasses, a beard, and a stethoscope around his neck is smiling broadly while holding up a large Euro currency symbol. His right index finger is raised, suggesting he is making a point or giving advice.
A cartoon doctor with glasses, a beard, and a stethoscope around his neck is smiling broadly while holding up a large Euro currency symbol. His right index finger is raised, suggesting he is making a point or giving advice.
Função Social

Setor reforça sua função social com resgates e sorteios.

An American flag waves prominently in the foreground against a backdrop of tall skyscrapers, including a building with the MetLife logo visible. The image conveys a sense of urban environment with a focus on national pride.
An American flag waves prominently in the foreground against a backdrop of tall skyscrapers, including a building with the MetLife logo visible. The image conveys a sense of urban environment with a focus on national pride.
A sequence of golden coins with dollar signs is floating or falling diagonally across a light background. The coins appear shiny and metallic, suggesting wealth or financial growth.
A sequence of golden coins with dollar signs is floating or falling diagonally across a light background. The coins appear shiny and metallic, suggesting wealth or financial growth.
Expansão Acelerada

Mercado segurador mantém ritmo acelerado de expansão.

Dados Relevantes

Crescimento de 6,5% em relação ao ano anterior.

Expansão do Mercado Segurador

O setor segurador brasileiro cresce 13,2%, reforçando sua importância na economia e contribuindo com mais de R$ 181 bilhões em indenizações e benefícios nos primeiros nove meses de 2024.

A modern urban setting featuring a large commercial building with reflective glass windows. Prominent in the foreground are two bronze bull sculptures, symbolizing economic strength and power. Surrounding the sculptures are several national flags on flagpoles, and lush green plants line the walkway. People are visible walking near the entrance of the building, evoking a sense of busy city life.
A modern urban setting featuring a large commercial building with reflective glass windows. Prominent in the foreground are two bronze bull sculptures, symbolizing economic strength and power. Surrounding the sculptures are several national flags on flagpoles, and lush green plants line the walkway. People are visible walking near the entrance of the building, evoking a sense of busy city life.



Crescimento Sustentável

Impacto Social